The Blessings of Weight Loss

Good morning and happy Sunday everyone!

I have been blessed from my weight loss journey this past week and just wanted to share with you the things I am most thankful for.

More energy!
Yay! Finally! I went to a concert with my sister on Friday night and was actually energetic instead of my usual “This-sucks-I’m-exhausted-please-let me go to bed” demeanor. And although it sounds rude, in the past I was truly dead tired and would actually fall asleep while at other peoples homes due to my chronic fatigue. Talk about embarrassing…

My carpal tunnel has been non-existent this month and I have been able to work on crochet and knit projects for my coworkers. This is good also for my Etsy as I am able to work on new items. Yay! 😀

Physical Changes
I have been noticing that my body has been slimming down as a whole but the change in some areas are more obvious than others. Such as delightfully slimmer wrists and toned calves. 🙂 I’ve also noticed a dip in my arm that I have never seen before and my newest one – I can actually see the knuckle on my thumb! Woot!

Personal Victories
I have now passed my previous food tracking record of 14 days! I can do it and I am! It is now my goal to use every page of my 60-day food journal. 🙂

Doctor’s scales can be mean, however when I went for a followup appointment on Tuesday even her scale showed that I’ve dropped 12 pounds since I saw her one month ago. The doctor actually said that this is the lowest weight that I’ve been since I started going to her office 5 years ago! Wow!

I have declined candy, cake, ice cream, cookies and pizza this week. They are really tempting – believe me! But I want to be healthy more than the momentary joy that food can produce. My besties this week have been tea and lemon water.

When I started in September I knew that I couldn’t take this journey alone, so I asked Jesus to accompany me. I call on his assistance every day to help me stay strong and on track. When I encounter difficulties, I ask for his aid to see me through. Jesus is the best support I could ever have!

From the scale…
I have lost a total of 27lbs this year. 🙂 17.2 pounds to go until my 20%.

Final Thought: Motivation
One thing that I’ve learned over the last few months is that motivation is a procrastinator’s crutch. Motivation comes later after you have already started your journey to help keep you going. You don’t generally start anything with it – I know I didn’t have any when I started! Instead of waiting for motivation to inspire you, reflect on what change you want to see, make a decision, commit to it and start doing. Motivation will come as you start seeing results. 🙂

Thanks for reading!

-Anna San

Met My 1st Weightloss Goal!!!

Good Morning Everyone!

Exciting news! I have made it to my 1st weight loss goal and have lost a total of 21 pounds since January 1st! YAY!!! 😀

I originally planned on meeting this goal by St. Patrick’s day but fell off the weightloss bandwagon for five months and gained back 7 of the 11 pounds I had lost. I was crushed but determined to change my lifestyle. I spent a lot of time thinking about the life I want and reading about diets and supplements that promised fast weight loss which I realized that they weren’t going to be sustainable or cost effective. I looked into Medical Weightloss, read up on bariatric surgery (no way hosea) and was considering joining Weight Watchers again when I stumbled across the series Heavy on Amazon Prime and was hooked. They helped morbidly obese particiapants lose massive amounts of weight through the tried and true low calorie diet and exercise program. Watching the show I realized that I don’t have to be overweight no matter how long I have been or how much I have to lose. I can have the life I want. On August 31st I recommitted and have slowly made more and more changes to my diet and exercise regimen, which is having a positive effect on other areas of my life. I am so much happier, healthier and more energetic than I was just a few short months ago. 🙂

Remember: Slow but steady wins the race.

Thanks for reading!

-Anna San