Some knock-my-socks-off drawing videos!


by Marika Herzog



Amazing! I have never seen anyone use screentones before (or B5 paper) – it’s just amazing. Marika’s artwork is phenomenal – so polished and professional. I wish I had gotten to see videos like this when I first started drawing manga style back in ’02. It would have been inspiring and motivating. Eh, but such is life.

[DISCLAMER] I don’t know anything about the story line of Grimoire other than it’s a fantasy manga story with demons, so please view the following links with discretion. ^^;

You can check out her artwork on check out her channel

Cheers with a beer! :p

Wrong Illustration Type?

While I was journaling earlier this morning it suddenly dawned on me that maybe the reason I haven’t gotten very far with comic creation is because I’m really not a cartoonist. Maybe my strength is actually in a different book, a children’s book, namely a picture book.

When I thought about it that way, some things about my art habits started making sense. In particular, whenever I plot out stories, it’s never in panels and rarely in sequential art – it’s usually a picture with text. Also, black and white doesn’t motivate me in the least. Color does.

Illustrating picture books also falls in line with where I want to go in life. I want to settle down and have a family someday. Being a manga artist really isn’t child friendly. However, a picture book illustrator is. Just like when I realized that I was a traditional artist – it just feels right.

Now on to the hard part: soul searching, prayer, research and possibly development…

Cheers. ;3