Happy First Day of Autumn!

Hey hey everyone! Hope your summer
was amazing. 🙂 Mine was pretty packed – running from this to that, trying to fit things in – many of which I will be sharing soon. 🙂

I dunno about you, but one of my favorite things about this summer was the epic Michigan skies. Some days I was captivated by the impressive cloud formations, and other days it was the colors. No two days were ever the same and had my camera pointed at the sky every chance I got!


What was your favorite thing about this summer?

Thanks for reading!


Apple Charlies 2015

There has been a change in the weather and it feels like fall! ‘Tis the season for cider and donuts so back to Apple Charlies we go! 😀

I wanted to pick apples but…. it was $20 a bag.
DSC_0995dsc_0018dsc_0023dsc_0271While we were there we ran into a cat that looked like the one we had when we were kids! (Dusty! Come home! 😥 )DSC_0990

We had a beautiful day, awesome cider and donuts and I got a ton of amazing pictures!

Thanks for reading!

-Anna San