Happy Easter! 2014

He is risen! He is risen indeed!


Morning sunlight on the eggins – anyone see Joker?

Happy Easter everyone!

After mass my brother and I met up with the fam for Easter breakfast. 🙂 Our family tradition which has been passed down from my great-grandmother who came from Czechoslovakia, is making poppyseed rolls for special occasions. This year my mom decided to do a new spin on our favorite by styling it as a Swedish teacake. 🙂


Poppyseed Roll with jellybeans mmm… 🙂

Here our the fruits of our egg coloring labors yesterday. Don’t they look lovely?


Lovely colored eggins

Our favorite Easter tradition was taken from a Polish parish our family were members of many years ago. This is a memory maker everyone. No child is immune from this. Everyone must consume a bit of ground horseradish before they receive their Easter basket. It is hilarious to watch but more importantly it also represents Christ’s bitter passion and death on the cross which had to be accomplished before opening the gates of heaven.


Ye evil horseradish!

I hope your day was filled with peace, joy and good company. 🙂

Thanks for reading!

-Anna San